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Town Hall Seattle: Science Series

Town Hall’s Science series is dedicated to understanding the world around us. Whether we’re hearing from a legendary physicist or a UW graduate student, the Science series explores math, biology, chemistry, the environment, and so much more.

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Sep 30, 2020

Imagine turning on the tap in the morning to find an unpleasant brown sludge that tastes like metal. Then imagine you were told by officials that the water was safe to drink. Would you believe them?

Environmental activist and renowned crusader Erin Brockovich joined us via livestream in conversation with journalist...

Sep 23, 2020

Vaccines are a documented success story, one of the most successful public health interventions in history. Yet there is a vocal anti-vaccination movement. How can we better understand the history and concerns behind that movement?

Science professor Jonathan Berman joined us via livestream with revelations from his...

Sep 15, 2020

Can birds smell? Do robins ‘hear’ worms? Is this the same cardinal that was at my feeder last year? To answer the question of what birds are doing—and why—David Sibley joined us via livestream with insight from his new book What It’s Like to Be a Bird. Sibley answered frequently asked questions about the birds...

Sep 10, 2020

How much information is too much? Do we need to know how many calories are in the giant vat of popcorn that we bought on our way into the movie theater? Do we want to know if we are genetically predisposed to a certain disease? Not necessarily, argues behavioral scientist Cass Sunstein.

Drawing from findings shared in...